Claremont, CA

Pomona College New Millikan Laboratory


Structural Engineering


75,000 sf

Key Info

Chilled metal beam technology for heating and cooling

Historic bronze atom sculpture by Albert Stewart


Rutherford + Chekene was the structural engineer for the replacement of the Millikan Laboratory and the renovation of the adjoining Andrew Science Hall at Pomona College. The original Millikan building was constructed in 1958 and was struggling to meet the structural and technological demands of a modern university research and teaching facility. The new 75,000 sf building is a light-filled space with architectural components that include floating staircases clad in wood, expansive windows and attractive collaborative spaces.The building houses the Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics Departments. Space upgrades include physics laboratories, both teaching and specialized; machine shops; a computer center; a planetarium with a 360-degree, night sky immersive display; an outdoor laboratory and learning space; offices and lounges; and a 100-person meeting/lecture space. To pay homage to the past, the Albert Stewart atom sculpture was preserved from the former lab building and is prominently displayed at the entrance of the new building.

Photographer: Jim Simmons

Emma G. Meehan


Science | Technology
Higher Education

Leavening peerless structural engineering skill with humor, philosophy, people skills and, above all, a consummate understanding of San Francisco's permitting process, [Alan] saw this project through.