UC Davis | Veterinary Medicine Building 3B

UC Davis | Veterinary Medicine Building 3B


Structural Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering


118,000 sf

Key Info

Cost-effective foundation

UC Davis' first project including BIM coordination of all major disciplines


Rutherford + Chekene provided structural and geotechnical engineering services for this four-story, 118,000 sf facility. The building was designed to provide advanced laboratory space to support the school’s biomedical research programs; to consolidate teaching, research and clinical programs within the school; and to free up space in the central campus for growth. R+C developed a cost-effective solution that uses a shallow foundation with soil improvements instead of a more expensive deep foundation. It is the first project at UC Davis to include coordination of all major disciplines using Building Information Modeling. The project incorporated sustainable measures, including sun shading and operable windows, and was designed to meet LEED Gold standards.

Science | Technology

Leavening peerless structural engineering skill with humor, philosophy, people skills and, above all, a consummate understanding of San Francisco's permitting process, [Alan] saw this project through.